Program Evaluation Standards Yarbrough
Program Evaluation. Welcome to the Program Evaluation Resource Center. This site provides a range of resources for individuals seeking accessible information about. The Program Evaluation Standards: A Guide for Evaluators and Evaluation Users (Donald B. Yarbrough) at The Joint Committee on Standards for.
The Program Evaluation Standards Summary Form The (JCSEE) was founded in 1975 as a coalition of major professional associations concerned with the quality of evaluation. AEA is one of those associations, and sends a representative to the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee has developed a set of standards for the evaluation of educational programs as reflected on this page. Although AEA has not formally adopted these standards, it does support the Joint Committee's work. In order to gain familiarity with the conceptual and practical foundations of these standards and their applications to extended cases, the JCSEE strongly encourages all evaluators and evaluation users to read the complete book, available for purchase from and referenced as follows: Yarbrough, D. B., Shulha, L.
M., Hopson, R. K., and Caruthers, F. The program evaluation standards: A guide for evaluators and evaluation users (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage The standard names and statements, as reproduced below, are under copyright to the JCSEE and are approved as an American National Standard. Permission is freely given for stakeholders to use them for educational and scholarly purposes with attribution to the JCSEE.
Authors wishing to reproduce the standard names and standard statements with attribution to the JCSEE may do so after notifying the JCSEE of the specific publication or reproduction. Utility Standards The utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs. U1 Evaluator Credibility Evaluations should be conducted by qualified people who establish and maintain credibility in the evaluation context.
U2 Attention to Stakeholders Evaluations should devote attention to the full range of individuals and groups invested in the program and affected by its evaluation. U3 Negotiated Purposes Evaluation purposes should be identified and continually negotiated based on the needs of stakeholders. Games Shop Miniatures Cards. U4 Explicit Values Evaluations should clarify and specify the individual and cultural values underpinning purposes, processes, and judgments. U5 Relevant Information Evaluation information should serve the identified and emergent needs of stakeholders.
U6 Meaningful Processes and Products Evaluations should construct activities, descriptions, and judgments in ways that encourage participants to rediscover, reinterpret, or revise their understandings and behaviors. U7 Timely and Appropriate Communicating and Reporting Evaluations should attend to the continuing information needs of their multiple audiences. U8 Concern for Consequences and Influence Evaluations should promote responsible and adaptive use while guarding against unintended negative consequences and misuse. Feasibility Standards The feasibility standards are intended to increase evaluation effectiveness and efficiency. F1 Project Management Evaluations should use effective project management strategies. F2 Practical Procedures Evaluation procedures should be practical and responsive to the way the program operates.
F3 Contextual Viability Evaluations should recognize, monitor, and balance the cultural and political interests and needs of individuals and groups. F4 Resource Use Evaluations should use resources effectively and efficiently. Propriety Standards The propriety standards support what is proper, fair, legal, right and just in evaluations.