Ligament D Arantius
Next, the Arantius' ligament (hgamentum venosum) is identified between the left hemiliver and Sgl (D Fig. It runs from the left portal vein to the left hepatic vein or to the junction between the left and the middle hepatic veins and is divided at its portal origin between ties (a remnant of the ductus venosus may be present).
The anterior walls of the left and middle hepatic vein are usually exposed by extending the dissection of the falciform and coronary ligament to the vena cava. Counter Strike Go Utorrent. To access the posterior wall, the left hemiliver is lifted and the lesser omentum is cut, up to the diaphragm. Next, the Arantius’ ligament (hgamentum venosum) is identified between the left hemiliver and Sgl (D Fig. It runs from the left portal vein to the left hepatic vein or to the junction between the left and the middle hepatic veins and is divided at its portal origin between ties (a remnant of the ductus venosus may be present). The stump of the ligament can now be grasped and dissected upward toward the inferior vena cava until the ligament broadens into its attachment. By traction of the ligament cephalad and to the left, an avascular plane between the left hepatic vein and Sgl can be seen and developed. The left hepatic vein can be isolated by means of a right angle or a Kelly clamp.
The left hepatic vein can be disconnected at this stage, but it is also possible to divide it at the end of the parenchyma dissection, as shown in Step 7. Step 5 (continued) I Fig. 47.6 Step 6 Literature.