Ghost Recon Future Soldier Pc Resolution Fix
I have recently downloaded this game from the internet and i have even played some part in the campaign mode and after that due to my slow perfromance of my pc i have formatted my system and installed it again on my pc.
Poker Calculator Pro Crack here. For those having a problem where ur montior does not support the default resolution and just get a black screen, here is a solution! I came up with this solution after having no luck searching on the net. For windows 7: click start then Documents Then open the ubisoft folder Now go into the ghost recon folder open default.cfg with notepad go to this part in the line 'Fullscreen TrueGammaCorrection' Change to 'Fullscreen FalseGammaCorrection' the game should now work. To get fullscreen, go into the video options in game and hit default settings. This should make the game fullscreen and playable!!
You can change the resolution through the in-game options (or through options.xml if you want a custom one. Thanks to those at the Ghost Recon forums for this fix! Resolution seems to be capped at 1289x720. But as a substitute for an action game fix if you. 'People that have played Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on PC, what's. The biggest totally free game fix & trainer library online for PC Games. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Raven Strike. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier; Ghost Recon.