Download Lexicon Ethics
X Lexicon Ethics pdf, Lexicon For Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude pdf download, ethics book for UPSC pdf, Lexicon Ethics pdf download, Lexicon ethics ebook pdf Click below on image to download The Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude has been the closest in interpreting the syllabic content for GS Paper IV. Having established itself as the leader in its domain; the present edition is an upgraded version. It provides with the ‘objective’ keys to solve the Case Study Questions. Apart from this, it has all the literal and application meaning for all the words that are subtly related but explicitly different. In a book what you get is a complete read for excelling in your GS Paper IV for the Mains. It could also be useful for general reading for anyone interested in knowing about all that is good for human existence. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination was first published in 2013.
Dorcel Deux Soeurs. P N Roy Chowdhury and G Subba Rao are the authors of this book and have updated and revised in the third edition of the book. The revised edition was based on constructive feedback and suggestions. The new edition includes: • A new chapter named `Challenges to Ethics and Moral Accountability’. • The above Chapter’s case studies are re-designed as per UPSC question paper pattern 25. • Chapters covering the entire range of issues related to ethics, integrity and aptitude. • Text interspersed with Case Studies wherever relevant.
• Summary provided at the end of each chapter. • Self-Assessment test questions are provided Glossary of terms. About the author: P. Roy Chowdhury is a retired IAS officer and the Director General of Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration in Ahmedabad.
He taught mathematics at the undergraduate level in the Rahara College, managed by the Rama Krishna Mission and later joined the IAS, serving the Government of Gujarat in various capacities. He has studied for his MSc Finance degree at Strathclyde University, Glasgow and at the University Of Rochester, USA, for an MBA programme. G Subba Rao is a retired IAS officer and currently is Chairman, Gujarat State Police Complaints Authority.