Dictionary Of Entomology Pdf
Dictionary Of Entomology And Plant Pathology Dictionary of entomology and plant pathology amazoncom, dictionary of entomology and plant pathology [poonam lodhi] on. Download Ebook: a dictionary of entomology in PDF Format. Also available for mobile reader. Apnea Link Software.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • A–C [ ] Body of the insect, toward the of the thorax. A chemical employed to kill and control mites and ticks. Acariphagous feeding on mites (also refers to parasitoids of mites).
Accessory gland Any secondary gland of the glandular system. Accessory pulsatile organs (APOs) Small muscular pumps and the veins that accompany them that pump into the wings. Alternative spelling of '. Acrostichal bristles The two rows of hairs or bristles lying one on either side of the mid-line of the thorax of a true fly. Active space The space within which the concentration of a pheromone or other behaviorally active substance is concentrated enough to generate the required response, remembering that like light and sound pheromones become more dilute the further they radiate out from their source. (Hymenoptera) Any member of a group of families that include the familiar stinging ants, bees, and social and hunting wasp. Acuminate Tapering to a long point.
A COMPUTERIZED DICTIONARY OF ENTOMOLOGY: MENU MATERIALS Page 3 / 5 strictly entomological, although they are routinely used by entomologists. Oxford and the Dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary Perhaps the most famous English dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
A class of insect growth regulators. Adecticous Of pupa: the state in which the pupa does not possess movable mandibles, the opposite being decticous. A major cell type of insects that stores fat body and reserves nutrients.
Admarginal (adjective): Along the margin. The sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination. Its shape is often important in separating closely related species. Summer dormancy, entered into when conditions are unfavourable for active life i.e. It is too hot or too dry. Age polyethism The regular changing of roles of colony members as they get older. A dilated portion of a trachea.
Alar squama The middle of three flap-like outgrowths at the base of the wing in various flies. Dicom File Editor. Alary muscles muscles along the dorsal diaphragm that may perform circulation. Alata the parthenogenetic winged morph of vividae, specialized for migration. Winged; having wings. (common name).
A synthetic insecticide; a chlorinated hydrocarbon of not less than 95 per cent 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene; moderately toxic to mammals, acute oral LD,, for rats 44 mg/kg; phytotoxicity: none when properly formulated, but some crops are sensitive to solvents in certain formulations. Algophagy feeding on. Aliphatic A term applied to the 'open chain' or fatty series of hydrocarbons. Name given to the thorax and propodeum of 'wasp-waisted' hymenopterans. When individuals other than the parent assist in the caring for that parents offspring. Allopatric Two or more forms of a species having essentially separate distributions. When two generations are produced within a life cycle each producing individuals of only one sex, either male first and then female or vice versa.
Altruistic Self-destructive. Or potentially self-destructive behavior performed for the benefit of others.
A broad lobe at the proximal posterior margin of the wing stalk of Diptera. Also termed the axillary lobe. The fungus cultivated by wood-boring beetles of the family Scolytidae. The insects which develop without metamorphosis, namely the Protura, Thysanura, and Collembola. Compound derived from carboxylic acids by replacing the hydroxyl of the -COOH by the amino group, -NH 2.
An organic compound containing nitrogen, derived from ammonia, NH 3, by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by as many hydrocarbon radicals. Organic compounds that contain the amino (NH 2) group and the carboxyl (COOH) group. Amino acids are the 'building stones' of proteins.
A colorless alkaline gas, NH 3, soluble in water. Anal Pertaining to last abdominal segment which bears the anus. Anal angle The posterior corner of the wing (same as tornus). A fold in the inner margin of the hindwing. Anal valves Exposed claspers at the end of the abdomen. Infection with Anaplasma, a genus of Sporozoa that infests red blood cells.
Anasa wilt A wilt disease of cucurbits caused solely by the feeding of the squash bug, no parasitic microorganism involved. (singula = Androconium) In male butterflies, specialised wing scales (often called scent scales) possessing special glands which produce a chemical attractive to females. Or androconia (plural) Specialised microscopic scales on the wings of male butterflies, believed to be scent scales for attracting the female. Formed in ring-like segments or with ring-like markings. Butterfly antennae shapes anemic Deficient in blood quantity or quality. Anteclypeus the lower (anterior) portion of the of insects.