Sysprep Autochk Program Not Found
Thanks for a truly outstanding post. I upgraded the motherboard on one Win7 64 home premium PC and everything was clean quick and easy - just sysprep and swap.
Sysprep'd Server 2008 R2 VMware autocheck BSODs. The machine resulted in a 'autochk.exe not found. 17 PM by Dan Same problem with 'Autochk program not found. Missing autochk program during boot. Types Of Training Programs For Workers. Autochk program not found -- skipping autocheck. After that being on the screen for about 8 seconds.
Then I tried again with another and failed then three days of reading everything I could find relating to the wrong topic I finally searched for 'autochk program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK' and found your post. My hard drive appeared to have about 6 entries in the partition table but there were only two - I identified the ones I needed and corrected the ' DosDevices ' entries - oddly my C and D drives got swapped in the process but Win7 seems perfectly happy with the new sequence and python was the only thing that had any issues at all - easy to fix.
Anyone needing to swap a mother board or upgrade a hard drive etc. Would be wise to read this post and print the ' DosDevices ' enties in the registry before they begin. I try this way and tricky result, I got from: If someone finds this thread from a Google search, here is the fix. Download Driver Envision Monitor.
Hello Yesterday I decided that my c: was too small and took some, now it would seem, stupid measures with Acronis disc director. Since my HDD has a D:, System reserved and C: I had to: CAUSE: 1) shrink D ->reboot 2) Increase system reserved ->reboot? 3) Decrease system reserved ->reboot 4) Increase C: ->reboot ->BSOD! I noticed these changes: 1) my D: had become my c: 2) my c: had become G: 3) system reserved had become e:, primary partition Managed to get it to this with Ultimate boot disk: 1) C=C, primary partition 2) D=D 3) System reserved=e: Still after something like: autochk program not found - skipping AUTOCHK then BSOD: c000021a fatal system error 0xc000003a Tried last good known configuration Tried safe mode, stops after classpnp.sys is loaded then BSOD Then tried windows 7 CD repair option but it didn't work. Running chkdsk now but it will take forever.