Sattley Serial Numbers
Resently bought this engine from a frind of mine. It is 1916 Racine-Sattley Engine,1 1/2 HP that was sold by Montgomery Ward back then!!Engine was priced at $39.95 in. Sattley Engine Serial Number Lookup >>>45e1f1341d.
WardCatalogs A Brief History of the gasoline, kerosene, and steam engines sold by Montgomery Ward and Co from 1898-1930 I have compiled this information using several sources. My primary source is the copies of the original Montgomery Ward and company catalogs. I am also using what I will refer to as the BYB in this work. The BYB is: 'American Gasoline Engines since 1872' by C.H. This book is considered the 'bible' of stationary gas engines sold in the United States of America. Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box Crack. I am also relying on help from those on the stationary engine lists at and. My sincere thanks to all that helped me with this work.
Every effort has been made to insure accuracy, yet there may be some mistakes. I found that some of the catalog pages I ordered are missing.
I tried to strike a balance between download speed and quality of the information I present. I hope you enjoy the work in progress.
Comments are always welcome. This ain't rocket science so jump right in and enjoy!
Mullen Engine This appears to be a steam engine offered in 4 and 10 hp ratings. Listed in the 1899 catalog. Racine Engines These engines came in 3/4 and 2 hp versions. They appear similar in design. Listed on the 1898-1899 catalog. Thornward Upright The only listing I find for this engine was in 1899.
Offered in 1-30 horsepower rating. Click the picture to the right for a larger view, or see the. (large file) Reading Vertical Engine and Boiler This steam engine was sold from 1900 to about 1909. I don't know who made it. All of the adds appear to be the same, so there is only one picture of this add. The first add for this lists it as a Kriebel engine, but it looks to be the same engine. Thornward Horizontal This engine appears to be a Foos built engine.
It was offered in 1900-1901 in 3-15 horsepower ratings. Large scan and not the best quality, but well worth a look. The Little Giant Engines The Little Giant engines started in the 1900 catalog with the 1 HP horizontal engine. Play Gmod No.
This appears to be Cavanaugh & Darley engine. Little Giant 1 horsepower 1900-1905 The Little Giant 2 1/2 horsepower engine was first offered in 1901 and this model appeared for one year. The 1902 version was much different and also lasted one year. The 1903-1905 engine appears to be a Cavanaugh & Darley built engine. The BYB mentions that Cavanaugh & Darley adds disappeared around 1905. That would explain the end of the 1 hp version, and the change in the 2 1/2 hp version.
The last Little Giant engines were sold from 1906-1910 and offered with 2 1/2, 3 1/2, and 4 horsepower ratings. Note the change in the base and fuel tank in the 1908 and 1910 engines. The last engines had the fuel tank between the cooling tank and the engine instead of the base.
Little Giant 1901 Little Giant 1902 Little Giant 1903-1905 Little Giant 1906-1908? Little Giant 1910 The Big Giant Engines The Big Giant horizontal engine line started in 1907. The first year engine was offered with 5, 8, and 12 horsepower rating, and it appears this model was only sold for one year. The next Big Giant, offered in 1908 appears to be made by Holiday Manufacturing & Engineering Co.
Note the counterweight cast in the flywheel. This engine was offered for one or two years. I have no 1909 catalogs at present. The last of the Big Giant engines was offered in 1910. This engine may have been offered in 1909 also. Notice the counterweight is not cast into the flywheel. I don't know who made this engine.
First Big Giant 1907 Second Big Giant 1908- perhaps 1909 Last Big Giant Engine in 1910 The Always Ready Engines The Always Ready engines first sold in 1907. It was offered in 2 and 5 horsepower ratings. These engines were sold until 1910 or 1911. This add shows an example of an. Possibly a Kalamazoo, Burtt Mfg. The Bronson Engine This hopper cooled engine was offered in 1910, and may have continued into 1911. I am missing some 1911 data.