New Girl Scout Program 2011
Girl Scouts Cadette New Cuisines Badge has been a favorite since 2011. There are so many ingredients, equipment, and cultures to discover. A new level, Girl Scout. Silkolene Honda Motocross Gp Patch. Girl Scouts of the USA hired a consultant 'to help Girl. Journeys have become a large part of the Girl Scout program.
In addition to its affiliations with Planned Parenthood and radical feminism, the Girl Scouts are continuing their liaison with another questionable bedfellow – the New Age. According to Christy Volanski who, along with her daughters Tess and Sydney, has been heading the charge to provide the public with full disclosure about the increasing radicalization of the Girl Scouts, the Arizona Cactus-Pine Council of the Girl Scouts is planning to host a program this fall that has been under fire for years because of its New Age content. The program, known as the “Coming into Your Own” (CIYO), was created several years ago by a major New Age hub known as The Ashland Institute. It was designed to help train Senior Scouts and Scout leaders to guide younger girls who were participating in the “Journeys” program. The “Journeys” program seeks to empower girls to change the world by emphasizing the power of the self and encouraging them to become involved in politically correct social activism programs such as global warming. The CIYO program involves a variety of New Age and shamanistic concepts such as working with Jungian archetypes which are intended to help girls “understand different archetypal dimensions of yourself.” The program also promises to “work experientially using dialogic and four quarter models, together with story, imaginative and kinesthetic exercises, to access your whole self.” CIYO has its foundation in “” a 75-page program created by the Ashland Institute and funded by another New Age hub known as the Oxford Leadership Academy. The Ashland Institute, based in Ashland, Oregon, is headed by Michael Cecil, the former leader of the Emissaries of Divine Light, a cult founded by his father.