65 Labels Per Sheet Template
Download Stationery Templates. To download a template for your specific shape. 356 - Label Size 38.1mm x 21.2mm - 65 labels per sheet: 356 - Stationery: 357. 65 Labels per A4 Sheet, 38.1 mm x 21.2 mm. Label Finder. Free Templates. To print your own labels, download free Word & PDF Templates. How To Find Us. Flexi Labels.
How to Print on Labels with Templates Our free label templates for WORD together with our online help make it very easy for you to print on our labels. Before you choose your labels, consider the type of printer you are using. As a rule of thumb, Laser printers and toner based photocopiers are suitable for printing on labels of all types.
However an Inkjet printer is not suitable for printing on labels with a gloss surface, eg. Waterproof labels, Metallic labels, or Fluorescent labels.
Within Microsoft Word, there is a simple program which helps you to position the print on labels accurately. To find this, go to: Tools >Letters and Mailings. Then under options, you can select the label layout if you know the equivalent Avery code. Avery label codes are listed in the table below and in all our product descriptions. However, to make things easier, we have produced the label template table below where you can simply download a WORD or PDF label template file to assist you to print on labels. Always test on a piece of paper first as all printers feed differently and some adjustments may be required.
Sometimes clients just can't get our templates to work for them. So, on every PDF template, we have included all the techincal data so you can set up your own templates. Most Laser printers have an alternative setting for 'labels'; this changes the default paper setting from 80gsm.
On the screen that appears before you print look for the 'properties' or 'settings' option where you will find a selection of 'material' settings. Choosing the 'labels' setting will slow down the printer and will alter the temperature of the fuser unit, so that more energy is supplied to the labels. This bonds the toner to the surface of the labels. If you use the 'normal paper' settings then the toner may rub off easily because there has not been enough energy to bond it correctly. Sweetim For Messenger. See the for more information on how to print on labels using a template. Cod Waw Update 1.7 more. Rectangular Label Stickers No. Per Sheet Size (mm) Avery Code WORD Template PDF Template 1 200 x 289 L7167 2 200 x 143 L7168 3 210 x 99 4 99 x 139 L7169 6 99 x 93 L7166 8 99 x 68 L7165 10 99 x 57 L7173 12 63 x 72 L7164 14 99 x 38 L7163 16 99 x 34 L7162 18 63 x 47 L7161 21 63 x 38 L7160 24 63 x 34 L7159 40 46 x 25 L7654 65 38 x 21 L7651 189 25 x 10 L6008 Round Label Stickers No.